-ms-flexbox and flexbox do not work in Internet Explorer


I'm having trouble identifying what I should do to fix this error - I recently used CSS Progress Wizard , it works perfectly in google chrome and other browsers:


Here is the code for CSS Progress Wizard :


.flexer, .progress-indicator {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -moz-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;

    .no-flexer, .progress-indicator.stacked {
        display: block;

.no-flexer-element {
    -ms-flex: 0;
    -webkit-flex: 0;
    -moz-flex: 0;
    flex: 0;

.flexer-element, .progress-indicator > li {
    -ms-flex: 1;
    -webkit-flex: 1;
    -moz-flex: 1;
    flex: 1;

.progress-indicator {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-size: 80%;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    margin-bottom: 1em;

    .progress-indicator > li {
        list-style: none;
        text-align: center;
        width: auto;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        position: relative;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        color: #bbbbbb;
        display: block;

        .progress-indicator > li:hover {
            color: #6e6e6e;

        .progress-indicator > li .bubble {
            border-radius: 1000px;
            width: 20px;
            height: 20px;
            background-color: #bbbbbb;
            display: block;
            margin: 0 auto 0.5em auto;
            border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;

            .progress-indicator > li .bubble:before, .progress-indicator > li .bubble:after {
                display: block;
                position: absolute;
                top: 9px;
                width: 100%;
                height: 3px;
                content: '';
                background-color: #bbbbbb;

            .progress-indicator > li .bubble:before {
                left: 0;

            .progress-indicator > li .bubble:after {
                right: 0;

        .progress-indicator > li.completed {
            color: green;

            .progress-indicator > li.completed .bubble {
                background-color: #65d074;
                color: #65d074;
                border-color: #247830;

                .progress-indicator > li.completed .bubble:before, .progress-indicator > li.completed .bubble:after {
                    background-color: #65d074;
                    border-color: #247830;

        .progress-indicator > li a:hover .bubble {
            background-color: #5671d0;
            color: #5671d0;
            border-color: #1f306e;

            .progress-indicator > li a:hover .bubble:before, .progress-indicator > li a:hover .bubble:after {
                background-color: #5671d0;
                border-color: #1f306e;

        .progress-indicator > li.danger .bubble {
            background-color: #d3140f;
            color: #d3140f;
            border-color: #440605;

            .progress-indicator > li.danger .bubble:before, .progress-indicator > li.danger .bubble:after {
                background-color: #d3140f;
                border-color: #440605;

        .progress-indicator > li.warning .bubble {
            background-color: #edb10a;
            color: #edb10a;
            border-color: #5a4304;

            .progress-indicator > li.warning .bubble:before, .progress-indicator > li.warning .bubble:after {
                background-color: #edb10a;
                border-color: #5a4304;

        .progress-indicator > li.info .bubble {
            background-color: #5b32d6;
            color: #5b32d6;
            border-color: #25135d;

            .progress-indicator > li.info .bubble:before, .progress-indicator > li.info .bubble:after {
                background-color: #5b32d6;
                border-color: #25135d;

    .progress-indicator.stacked > li {
        text-indent: -10px;
        text-align: center;
        display: block;

        .progress-indicator.stacked > li .bubble:before, .progress-indicator.stacked > li .bubble:after {
            left: 50%;
            margin-left: -1.5px;
            width: 3px;
            height: 100%;

    .progress-indicator.stacked .stacked-text {
        position: relative;
        z-index: 10;
        top: 0;
        margin-left: 60% !important;
        width: 45% !important;
        display: inline-block;
        text-align: left;
        line-height: 1.2em;

    .progress-indicator.stacked > li a {
        border: none;

@media handheld, screen and (max-width: 400px) {
    .progress-indicator {
        font-size: 60%;
asked by anonymous 17.06.2015 / 17:49

2 answers


Actually the "flex" does not work in IE 9, it works a little on IE 10 and only from 11 that actually works. Here you can see the browsers and versions they support.

Here is an example of progress without using flex , see if it helps:

.etapas {
  list-style: none;
  display: table;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  position: relative;
.etapas li {
  display: table-cell;
  text-align: center;
  width: 1%;
.etapas li.active:before, .etapas li.complete:before, .etapas li.active .etapa, .etapas li.complete .etapa {
  border-color: #5293c4;
.etapas li:first-child:before {
  max-width: 51%;
  left: 50%;
.etapas li:before {
  display: block;
  content: "";
  width: 100%;
  height: 1px;
  font-size: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  border-top: 4px solid #ced1d6;
  position: relative;
  top: 21px;
  z-index: 1;
*, *:before, *:after {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;
.etapas li {
  display: table-cell;
  text-align: center;
  width: 1%;
.etapas li.active .etapa, etapas li.complete .etapa {
  border-color: #5293c4;
.etapas li .etapa {
  border: 5px solid #ced1d6;
  color: #546474;
  font-size: 15px;
  border-radius: 100%;
  background-color: #FFF;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 2;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;
  line-height: 30px;
  text-align: center;
.etapas li.complete .titulo, .etapas li.active .titulo {
  color: #2b3d53;
.etapas li .titulo {
  display: block;
  margin-top: 4px;
  max-width: 100%;
  color: #949ea7;
  font-size: 14px;
  z-index: 104;
  text-align: center;
  table-layout: fixed;
  word-wrap: break-word;
<ul class="etapas">
    <li class="active">
        <span class="etapa">1</span>
        <span class="titulo">Passo 1</span>

        <span class="etapa">2</span>
        <span class="titulo">Passo 2</span>

        <span class="etapa">3</span>
        <span class="titulo">Passo 3</span>

        <span class="etapa">4</span>
        <span class="titulo">Passo 4</span>
17.06.2015 / 20:13

There are three possible problems

  • (it's IE10 or IE11) is that you're not using the compatibility parameter with the Edge value, so add this:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
  • Possibly you are using a version of Internet Explorer 10 that came before the release of August 2012 (maybe you are using the beta version or pre-release), in this case you need to use Windows Update.

  • You are using an older version, earlier than Internet Explorer 10 do not support flex-box .

    Comment the author confirms this:


    strange, I'm in IE9 @ re22

  • 17.06.2015 / 20:18