JSON reading (Trying to get property of non-object error)


I have the following JSON in $ return:

  "xml": "{
        \"shipping_method\":\"Correios PAC\",

          \"full_name\":\"Denis Moura\",
          \"street\":\"Rua Sacadura Cabral\",
          \"city\":\"Rio de Janeiro\",
          \"phone\":\"21 3722-3902\",

          \"full_name\":\"Denis Moura\",
          \"street\":\"Rua Sacadura Cabral\",
          \"city\":\"Rio de Janeiro\",
          \"phone\":\"21 3722-3902\",

          \"name\":\"Denis Moura\",
          \"email\":\"[email protected]\",
            \"21 3722-3902\"

I would like to use a FOREACH to print the CUSTOMER NAME and EMAIL of all requests within the ORDERS array (in this case there is only 1 request within the orders vector, but there could be several).

I'm trying:

foreach ($retorno->xml->orders as $pedido) {
    echo "<br>";

But I'm getting the error Trying to get property of non-object in the FOREACH line.

What would be the right way?

asked by anonymous 17.10.2017 / 15:54

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