Image above 3000px does not load in Wideimage


Good afternoon,

I have a function in which you are responsible for taking the image and resizing it, however images with 3000x2000 are not loaded by WideImage

            ->resize($largura, $altura, 'outside', 'center')
            ->crop('center', 'center', $largura, $altura)
            ->saveToFile($thumb, $qualidade);

I tested it with other smaller images and it works perfectly, is there any restriction on WideImage where it does not allow loading images above a pixel amount?

I've also tried Laravel's Intervention Image

Image::make($ampliada)->resize($largura, $altura)->save($ampliada, 90);

Sometimes it works and at other times I get Error 500, does anyone know why?

Thank you.

asked by anonymous 01.11.2017 / 17:56

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