Unknown provider: PermPermissionStoreProvider


After installing the package through the bower, it is not recognized in the project. Here is the code:

install command: bower install angular-permission --save (already tried to install by npm also, but without success)

code where I use the service:

(function() {

'use strict';

    .factory('UserSession', UserSession);

function UserSession($q, AuthServer, PermPermissionStore) {

    //... outros códigos

    function getAccountThen (account) {

                if(account.data === "") {
                    return getAccountCatch();

                var perfis = _account.perfil.map(function(p) { return p.cdPerfil });
                PermPermissionStore.defineManyPermissions(perfis, hasAuthority);

                _account = account.data;
                _authenticated = true;

    //... outros códigos


}) ();

The same code is used in other projects and works perfectly.

Error Stack:

Uncaught Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: PermPermissionStoreProvider <- PermPermissionStore <- UserSession <- AuthService

link $ injector / unpr? p0 = PermPermissionStoreProvider% 20% 3C-% 20PermPermissionStore% 20% 3C-% 20UserSession% 20% 3C-% 20AuthService     at angular.js: 68     at angular.js: 4501     at Object.getService [as get] (angular.js: 4654)     at angular.js: 4506     at getService (angular.js: 4654)     at injectionArgs (angular.js: 4678)     at Object.invoke (angular.js: 4700)     at Object.enforcedReturnValue [as $ get] (angular.js: 4547)     at Object.invoke (angular.js: 4708)     at angular.js: 4507

What could be causing the error? I have already run 'gulp clean & gulp build & gulp serves' and nothing. I already closed the text editor and opened, and nothing.

Thanks in advance for any help.

asked by anonymous 25.10.2017 / 23:57

1 answer


The permission to the main module (app.module.js) was missing. Lack of attention.

26.10.2017 / 21:25