Good evening, I'm trying to update a kettle delivery record, I click the button to update and update it right in the bank, but when I update the same order again, the information is not updated, only after a time of first UPDATE that the data is updated in the bank ... example if I updated status to in transit now, only after a few minutes to update the status to delivered. Does anyone know how to help me?
if($pedido > 0 && $status > 0){
$atualizar = mysql_query("UPDATE pedidos SET id_status = '$status' WHERE
id_pedido= '$pedido'");
echo "atualizado, pedido $pedido e status $status";
echo "erro ".mysql_error();
<?php echo $linha["id_pedido"]; ?>
<select name="status">
<option value='2'> Em Trânsito </option>
<option value='4'> Entregue </option>