Error generating barcode in PHP


Well, my problem is this:

I have the line and I want to convert it to barcode.

You should be thinking, "This is very simple using some ready-made classes you have on the web!".

Well, I've tested several models and reading the generated bar code is interpreted with other numbers. At first it stays the same, but in certain parts of the code it changes, but I have no idea why.

Who can help me, I would be very grateful. I need a lot to solve this problem.


Digitable line for conversion:



What you are generating:



function geraCodigoBarra($numero){
    $fino = 1;
    $largo = 3;
    $altura = 50;

    $barcodes[0] = '00110';
    $barcodes[1] = '10001';
    $barcodes[2] = '01001';
    $barcodes[3] = '11000';
    $barcodes[4] = '00101';
    $barcodes[5] = '10100';
    $barcodes[6] = '01100';
    $barcodes[7] = '00011';
    $barcodes[8] = '10010';
    $barcodes[9] = '01010';

    for($f1 = 9; $f1 >= 0; $f1--){
        for($f2 = 9; $f2 >= 0; $f2--){
            $f = ($f1*10)+$f2;
            $texto = '';
            for($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++){
                $texto .= substr($barcodes[$f1], ($i-1), 1).substr($barcodes[$f2] ,($i-1), 1);
            $barcodes[$f] = $texto;

    echo '<img src="imagens/p.gif" width="'.$fino.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0" />';
    echo '<img src="imagens/b.gif" width="'.$fino.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0" />';
    echo '<img src="imagens/p.gif" width="'.$fino.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0" />';
    echo '<img src="imagens/b.gif" width="'.$fino.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0" />';

    echo '<img ';

    $texto = $numero;

    if((strlen($texto) % 2) <> 0){
        $texto = '0'.$texto;

    while(strlen($texto) > 0){
        $i = round(substr($texto, 0, 2));
        $texto = substr($texto, strlen($texto)-(strlen($texto)-2), (strlen($texto)-2));

            $f = $barcodes[$i];

        for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i+=2){
            if(substr($f, ($i-1), 1) == '0'){
                $f1 = $fino ;
                $f1 = $largo ;

            echo 'src="imagens/p.gif" width="'.$f1.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0">';
            echo '<img ';

            if(substr($f, $i, 1) == '0'){
                $f2 = $fino ;
                $f2 = $largo ;

            echo 'src="imagens/b.gif" width="'.$f2.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0">';
            echo '<img ';
    echo 'src="imagens/p.gif" width="'.$largo.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0" />';
    echo '<img src="imagens/b.gif" width="'.$fino.'" height="'.$altura.'" border="0" />';
    echo '<img src="imagens/p.gif" width="1" height="'.$altura.'" border="0" />';

asked by anonymous 01.11.2017 / 01:36

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