I'm trying to install the SQL Server driver for php 5.5.12 (x64) but have not yet been able to
I downloaded the dll's from the official site , and added it in php.ini
They appeared in the list of PHP extensions but did not appear in php info, and when trying to make some connection it said driver not found
Inthis response appeared in php info but when you try to query the message changes
SQLSTATE[IMSSP]:ThisextensionrequireseithertheMicrosoftSQLServer2012NativeClient,theMicrosoftSQLServer2008NativeClient ortheMicrosoftSQLServer2005NativeClienttocommunicatewithSQL Server.AccessthefollowingURLtodownloadtheMicrosoftSQLServer 2012NativeClientODBCdriverforx64: link
I'm using wampserver x64 Apache 2.4.9 PHP 5.5.12
Is there any way to configure without needing to change 32 bits?