Works on NetBeans but not on Android Studio


The following code works for when the user leaves an editText of the form blank. The code worked in NetBeans but in AndroidStudio when you run the APK with a blank field it appears the message that the APP stopped working. Here is the code:

// In NetBeans

BigDecimal cota = null;
BigDecimal prazo = null;
BigDecimal reserva = null;
BigDecimal adm = null;

try {
    cota = new BigDecimal(jTextField1.getText());
    prazo = new BigDecimal(jTextField2.getText());
    reserva = new BigDecimal(jTextField3.getText());
    adm = new BigDecimal(jTextField4.getText());

} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    jLabel5.setText("Os valores não podem estar vazios!");

// On Android

BigDecimal cota = null;
            BigDecimal prazo = null;
            BigDecimal reserva = null;
            BigDecimal adm = null;
            BigDecimal vida = null;

                cota = new BigDecimal(edtCota.getText().toString());
                prazo = new BigDecimal(edtPrazo.getText().toString());
                reserva = new BigDecimal(edtReserva.getText().toString());
                adm = new BigDecimal(edtAdm.getText().toString());
                vida = new BigDecimal(edtVida.getText().toString());

            }catch(NumberFormatException erro){

                AlertDialog.Builder janelaVazio = new AlertDialog.Builder(Consorcio.this);
                janelaVazio.setMessage("Preencha todos os campos");
                janelaVazio.setNeutralButton("FECHAR", null);
asked by anonymous 30.10.2017 / 22:21

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