Good afternoon, I need help with some of the code. Basically I have a form with two selects ( aluno_id, producto_id ) and some inputs ( product_preco, quantity, preco_total ), use functions to fill arrays and then selects by ID and display By the name.
I now need to make each product selection change, search the ID in the product array, and fill in the product_preco input with the price equivalent to product_id . For what I researched this is done with Javascript and JSON, and possibly Ajax, I made a few attempts but did not succeed.
Remembering that the data of this form will be registered in the DB later.
<?php require_once("cabecalho.php");
$venda = array("aluno_id" => "1", "produto_id" => "1",
"quantidade_produto" => "", "preco_produto" => "", "valor_total" => "",
"data_operacao" => "");
$listaPreco = listaPreco($conexao); // cria um array tridimensional
listaPreco com id, nome, preco
$alunos = listaAlunos($conexao); // cria array alunos
$produtos = listaProdutos($conexao); // cria array produtos
$teste = array_search('2', array_column($listaPreco,'id')); // teste filtro
<h1>Formulário Vendas</h1>
<form action="adiciona-venda.php" method="post">
<table class="table">
<?php include("vendas-formulario-base.php"); // inputs e selects do
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Cadastrar</button>
src=""></script><script>$('select[name="produto_id"]').on('change', function(){ // select produtos
var teste = "<?php Print($teste);?>";
// var ar = <?php json_encode($listaPreco) ?>;
// alert(ar);
$("#cont").val(teste); // input preco
<?php include("rodape.php"); ?>