Missing Session after requisition


Well guys, I have a problem that I have not been able to solve until now. It only starts to occur after an ajax request , where I generate a document and return it to url in a json , to be fetched in javascript , be assigned to a link and be downloaded.

As it happens: after generating the first report, if the user tries to create another logo then the middle application that calls the Application_Start again, and thus losing the "linkage" strong> session . The funny thing is that in the browser (I'm using Chrome ), the session keeps appearing in Cookies.

Another interesting fact is that when I click on the link to download, it also calls the Application_Start ...


Example of how I create Sessions:

    public ActionResult LoginRequest(string login, string pass)
        string loginCache = "usuario";
        string senhaCache = "123123";

        if (login == loginCache && pass == senhaCache)
            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Nome"] = "Admin";
            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Email"] = loginCache;

            return Json(
                    sucesso = true,
                    href = "GerarRelatorio/Index"
            return Json(
                new {
                    sucesso = false,
                    msg = "Login e/ou Senha estão incorretos."

Example of how I am returning the url:

        var newCaminhoContent = Path.Combine(urlDownloadFolder, arquivoModel.Nome);

        var urlDownloadHTML = ( newCaminhoContent.Substring(newCaminhoContent.IndexOf(@"Content")) );

        return Json(new
            hasError = false,
            msg = "O arquivo foi gerado com sucesso!",
            href = urlDownloadHTML,
            nome = arquivoModel.Nome,
            ext = arquivoModel.ExtensaoString

Example of how to get the url in javascript:

    AppConfig.baseUrl + "/GerarRelatorio/Gerar",
        cm: cm,
        tr: tr
    function (data, status) {


        try {
            if (data.hasError === false) {


                //var win = window.open(AppConfig.baseUrl + data.href);

            else {
        catch (e) {
        finally {

function getTimeToShowLink(data) {

       .attr('href', AppConfig.baseUrl + data.href)
       .attr('download', data.nome)

    var tempo = 10;
    var sec = 0;

    var interval = setInterval(function () {

        sec = pad(++sec % 60);

        if (parseInt(sec) <= parseInt(tempo)) {
                'Se o download não começar automaticamente em até ' + (tempo - sec) + ' segundos, clique aqui...');
        else {
            $('#div-msg-download').html('Clique aqui para fazer o download...');

    }, 1000);
asked by anonymous 16.11.2017 / 13:16

1 answer


Good luck, I just needed to change the link to make it work. Apparently the application for some reason upgraded the web.config and this caused the IIS pool to restart every time a new request was made, calling the method multiple times Application_Start .


<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.6.1" />


<httpRuntime fcnMode="Disabled" targetFramework="4.6.1" />

This kind of prevents the web.config from being updated, preventing the App pool from restarting the website.

16.11.2017 / 18:54