Look at Makers, I created a ListView by Design and needed to edit the position and size of text at run time, does anyone have any idea how to do this? In case the items that I will edit from ListView are "Text"
Thank you.
Look at Makers, I created a ListView by Design and needed to edit the position and size of text at run time, does anyone have any idea how to do this? In case the items that I will edit from ListView are "Text"
Thank you.
Edit the size of the texts until I understand, but "edit position"? What exactly does "edit position" mean?
To edit the text size you can use the SubString function, as I added below in the Help example:
LItem: TListViewItem;
I: Integer;
// Adicionando itens
for I := 1 to 10 do
LItem := ListView1.Items.Add;
LItem.Text := IntToStr(I) + ' Item inserido';
// Editando itens
for I := 0 to ListView1.Items.Count -1 do
// Remove a palavra "inserido"
ListView1.Items[i].Text := ListView1.Items[i].Text.Substring(0, 7);