Why is the result of the textbox disappearing after the click?


I'm studying Javascript for a YouTube videotape I did the same video, but when I click on Calculate the result appears and already disappears in less than 1 second, when in fact it should stay in the field text.

Below is the html and js. Note: Javascript is in separate file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br">

        <title>Javascript aula 03</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="_css/estilo.css">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="csss/estilo.css">
        <script src="js/aula07.js"></script>

        <img src="imagens/imc.jpg" height="180px" width="200px">
        <form id="formulario">
            <fieldset style="width:20%;">
                <legend>Cálculo do IMC</legend>

              <label for="kilos"> Kilos &nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
              <input type="text" name="kilos"><br>

              <label for="metros"> Metros </label>
              <input type="text" name="metros"><br>

              <label for="centimetros"> Cm &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
              <input type="text" name="centimetros"><br>

              <label for="imc"> IMC: &nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
              <input type="text" name="imc" disabled="disabled"><br>

              <a href="" onclick="calcularIMC();"> Calcular </a>

function calcularIMC() {
    var formulario = document.getElementById("formulario");

    var kilos = +formulario.kilos.value;
    var metros = +formulario.metros.value;
    var centimetros = +formulario.centimetros.value;

    var altura = (metros * 100 + centimetros) / 100;
    var imc = kilos / (altura * altura);

    formulario.imc.value = imc;.toFixed(2);
asked by anonymous 11.10.2015 / 20:14

3 answers


Your problem is the href attribute of the element responsible for the call of the calcularIMC() function. Here is the element that is causing this behavior:

<a href="" onclick="calcularIMC();"> Calcular </a>

The href="" attribute will cause your page to be reloaded.

If you really want to use the a tag to invoke the function, use the attribute as% with%. As in the example below:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="calcularIMC();">Calcular</a>

You can also use some other element, such as a button:

<button type="button" onclick="calcularIMC();">Calcular</button>

Another detail worth checking out, as exposed by href="javascript:void(0)" , is that you have an error of syntax in:

formulario.imc.value = imc;.toFixed(2);

For code to run smoothly, use:

formulario.imc.value = imc.toFixed(2);
11.10.2015 / 20:26

You can include the value "#" for the href attribute. That way the page will not be reloaded when you click the link to recalculate. Taking advantage of this, the method that calculates has a syntax error on the last line ( form.imc.value = imc; .toFixed (2);) . That ";" after imc causes the method to be unrecognized. To fix it just remove it form.imc.value = imc.toFixed (2); . Below is a working example:

function calcularIMC() {
    var formulario = document.getElementById("formulario");

    var kilos = +formulario.kilos.value;
    var metros = +formulario.metros.value;
    var centimetros = +formulario.centimetros.value;

    var altura = (metros * 100 + centimetros) / 100;
    var imc = kilos / (altura * altura);

    formulario.imc.value = imc.toFixed(2);
<html lang="pt-br">

        <title>Javascript aula 03</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="_css/estilo.css">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="csss/estilo.css">
        <script src="js/aula07.js"></script>

        <form id="formulario">
            <fieldset style="width:20%;">
            <legend>Cálculo do IMC</legend>

              <label for="kilos"> Kilos &nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
              <input type="text" name="kilos"><br>

              <label for="metros"> Metros </label>
              <input type="text" name="metros"><br>

              <label for="centimetros"> Cm &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
              <input type="text" name="centimetros"><br>

              <label for="imc"> IMC: &nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
              <input type="text" name="imc" disabled="disabled"><br>

              <a href="#" onclick="calcularIMC();"> Calcular </a>

11.10.2015 / 20:53

Where is

<a href="" onclick="calcularIMC();"> Calcular </a>

Add the '#' caracatere in href, to prevent it from updating the page, so that it looks like this:

<a href="#" onclick="calcularIMC();"> Calcular </a>
11.10.2015 / 21:12