Good evening, how do I make a dynamic menu with the bootstrap? I can do link with redirect to a page, but I'm making a system and its menu is dynamic how can I implement it? menu.jsp --------------------
<%@page import="model.Menu"%>
<%@page import="model.Funcionario"%>
Funcionario fLogado = new Funcionario();
try {
fLogado = (Funcionario) session.getAttribute("funcionario");
out.print("Nome:"+fLogado.getNome()+" | Perfil:"+fLogado.getPerfil().getNome()+"(<a href='sair.jsp'>Sair</a>)<br/>");
for(Menu ml:fLogado.getPerfil().getMeusMenus()){
out.print("<a href='"+ml.getLink()+"'>"+ml.getTitulo()+"</a> |");}
}catch(Exception e){