Add Elements from one class to one arraylist in another class


I have a class Ticket , which creates a ticket. and I have to make a CustomerService class with a ArrayList of Ticket type, which I called tickets and places all tickets created in this ArrayList.

Ticket class constructor:

   public Ticket(char attendanceType, int ticketNumber)
     this.arriveTime =;
     this.attendanceTime = null;
     this.attendanceType = validateAttendanceType(attendanceType);
     this.waitTime = 0;
     this.ticketNumber = validateTicketNumber(ticketNumber);
asked by anonymous 12.12.2017 / 14:23

2 answers


If you need a CustomerService instance during the entire run of your application, I recommend following a Singleton pattern:

public class CustomerService {

    private static CustomerService INSTANCIA;

    private ArraList<Ticket> tickets;

    public static CustomerService getInstancia() {
        if (INSTANCIA == null) {
            INSTANCIA = new CustomerService();
            INSTANCIA.setTickets(new ArrayList<>());

        return INSTANCIA;

    public ArrayList<Ticket> getTickets() {
        return tickets;

    public void setTickets(ArrayList<Ticket> tickets) { = tickets;        

From there, you need to run CustomerService.getInstancia().getTickets() to get the list of tickets and insert the object you want.

12.12.2017 / 14:53

According to what I noticed, your question is very simple, just create a method in the CustomerService class:

public class CustomerService {

private ArrayList<Tickets> tickets;

public CustomerService(){ = new ArrayList<>();

public void addTicket(Tickets t){
14.12.2017 / 00:36