I would like to add the "onClick" event in the "Draw Form" of the "Drawing Controller" of google maps api v3.
I could not find the documentation and can not right-click the button to check if it has an "id".
Would anyone know how to do this?
I would like to add the "onClick" event in the "Draw Form" of the "Drawing Controller" of google maps api v3.
I could not find the documentation and can not right-click the button to check if it has an "id".
Would anyone know how to do this?
Just get the shape by pointing your variable. For example, let's say you have a location pointer. You call its variable and insert an event with:
marker.addListener ('click', function () { // action code here ... });
I advise you to iterate on the points or objects that you want to have actions. Create a function for this face, then you will see that it will be needed on a larger scale.