For an application that uses routes, the google API is essential. For the other features here are some ideas:
- If the system will show the average speed to the user, you
could do a function that every time X took the speed at which
the user is and in the end perform a simple average.
- To save the path you can save the Latitude and Longitude of the start point and endpoint in the database.
- To calculate the distance of points, you can perform the mathematical formula of Haversine, which is used to calculate the distance of two points in a sphere from the longitude and latitude. Here
Before thinking about the functions of a study in the API of Google that can be very complex, not to mention the prices $$. It is also worth taking a look at the broadcasting services, after all the application will make updates in real time.
- Keys to google api: Maplink
- Real-time application service: Pusher
Hugs ...