in my HomeController that returns a JSON, I would like to pass the data to my View, but it always comes empty, I'm starting as a developer, and I'm already a few days into it, been clear and someone can help me ...
public JsonResult GetData()
List<Dados> qry = new List<Dados>();
using (AGPEntities md = new AGPEntities())
qry = (from s in md.Painel_Grafico
select new Dados
id_admAtribuido =,
admAtribuido = s.admAtribuido,
quantidade_admAtribuido = (int)s.quantidade_admAtribuido
return Json(qry, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I do not understand much of JavaScript and Ajax, but what I need is to retrieve the GetData data to handle. The following is a possible description of what I need, just playing on the console, if I can, then I turn around.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
type: "POST",
url: '@Url.Action("GetData")',
data: //O que colocar aqui?
success: function (result) {
error: function (result) {
This question was the basis for the question, but it did not work for me:
How to call a controller method using Ajax using MVC5 in visual studio?
Thanks in advance ...
[EDIT] When I put the GetData code inside the ActionResult Index () I get the following return:
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }