Crystall Report with VB.NET


I'm trying to make an HTML table appear in a PDF report with Crystal Report 2005, I'm trying to table via VB.NET, but it seems that there are limitations with tags, I want to ask if it's still possible as follows:

If (dsMatricula.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("IDR_FORM_PGTO") = "V") Then

        descricaoParcelas = "<p> 1ª R$ " & row("VLR_VIST") & " " & row("DTA_PRIM_PARC") & "</p>"

        descricaoParcelas = "<table border=1><tr>"
        descricaoParcelas += "<td> 1ª R$ " & row("VLR_PGTO_INIC") & " " & row("DTA_PRIM_PARC") & "</td>"
        descricaoParcelas += "</tr>"

        Dim dataCadaParcela As String
        For i As Integer = 1 To Convert.ToInt32(dsMatricula.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("QTD_PARC"))

            dataCadaParcela = Convert.ToDateTime(row("DTA_PRIM_PARC")).ToString("yyyy") + "-" + Convert.ToDateTime(row("DTA_PRIM_PARC")).AddMonths(i).ToString("MM") + "-" + dsDadosVencimento.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("NRO_DIA_VENC").ToString()

            descricaoParcelas += "<tr><td> " & (i + 1).ToString() & "ª R$ " & row("VLR_PARC") & " " & Convert.ToDateTime(dataCadaParcela).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") & "</td></tr>"
        descricaoParcelas += "</table>"
    End If

The only thing that happens is that the data comes one below each line, I'd like to hear your opinion,

Thank you

asked by anonymous 22.01.2018 / 23:21

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