Do you leave CSS within HTML pages that hinders SEO?


I ended up doing the site once, and now it's done, but it will be very complex to link all CSS's. I would like to know to leave all css or almost everything inside HTML will disrupt my rankings in google.

asked by anonymous 20.01.2018 / 22:01

2 answers


It is not clear which algorithm Google uses to rank sites, and that algorithm is constantly changing. So there is no way to say for sure if this will affect your website's ranking. What can be said is that it is not good practice to put your CSS in the same HTML file. We can cite some reasons:

  • Difficulty maintaining the site;
  • Lets the loaded code of information not relevant to search engines;
  • Information irrelevant to screen readers.

So there's no reason not to put CSS in another file.

20.01.2018 / 22:19

Hardly, because what the search engine takes into account is the textual content. Everything else will be filtered.

I believe CSS only influences when it determines whether the elements are visible on the page or not. But even if CSS is inside the page or in an external file it will not influence SEO .

20.01.2018 / 22:14