Double click on Grid of a child form, it triggers cellClick of the parent form grid


It's a bit confusing, I'll try to explain below in the simplest possible way:
I have a Form with a DBGrid , in that DBGrid is encoded the CellClick event, it can be ShowMessage , for example. On that same screen there is a button that creates and opens a form ( ShowModal ), this open form has in onClose the Action := caFree command. To close this child form, double clicks on a DBGrid . The problem is that if you double-click the DBGrid child form, the mouse pointer is in the position of a DBGrid cell of the parent form (first form ), the CellClick event of it (from the DBGrid of the parent form) is fired.

Important: You do not have any more code, I even made a simple simple project , with nothing else, just mentioned above, and this situation occurs. If I remove the caFree from the child form, not the problem, but then the form is not freed from memory.

asked by anonymous 22.01.2018 / 18:10

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