Save data clicked on a JSON


I am creating a simple application in AngularJS, the application is summarized in 3 pages:

  • Device: Where the person chooses the device
  • Plans: Choose the plan related to the device
  • Final file informing name, email, telephone and etc ...
  • The list of possible devices and plans for that chosen device comes from a JSON file, which I get through an HTTP request.

    The question is: I would like to save this information, when it clicks on a device, then the plan and save and after writing the data save all and exit the final page and console.log , but how do I do this?

    This is my file api.js , where I request the devices:

    // plataformas 
    //arquivo api.js
    app.controller('plataformAPI', function($scope, $http){
              $scope.dados =;

    This is the home.html file where the person chooses the devices:

    <script src=""></script><divclass="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"  align="center" ng-controller="plataformAPI">
      <div ng-repeat="x in dados">
        <p>{{x.descricao.replace('|',' ')}}</p>
        <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-md" href="{{prefix + x.nome}}" role="button">Quero esse</a></p>

    I came up with the following schema but it did not work, saved in localstorage as undefined :

        // click event
        $scope.eventos = {};
        $scope.eventos.Clique = function() {
            var nomeAparelho = document.getElementsByClassName('nomeAparelho').value;
            localStorage.setItem("aparelho:", nomeAparelho);
    asked by anonymous 22.01.2018 / 20:23

    1 answer


    A good Angular practice is to leave the Controller just to redirect the content, while your business rule is in a Service (or Factory, whatever). You can create a factory with the objects you want to save (devices, plans, etc) and access them via controller. For example, when you choose the plan, you call (by the controller) a function that will call the function "saveCompare (deviceObj)" of your service.

    app.controller('plataformAPI', function($scope, meuService){
    /* faz a injeção de dependencia do meuService no controller */
      meuService.exemploDeApi().then(respostaDaFuncaoDoService) {
        $scope.dados = respostaDaFuncaoDoService;
        // qndo houver resposta do $http.get, ele vai retornar a resposta, que será armazenada no $scope.dados (como vc fez o retorno dos aparelhos)
      $scope.escolherAparelho = function(aparelho) {
        meuService.gravarAparelho(aparelho); // armazena o parametro "aparelho" no OBJETO meusDados.aparelho (do service)
    app.factory('meuService', function ($http) {
      /* seu objeto */
      var meusDados = {
        'aparelho': null,
        'nomePessoa': null,
        'plano': null
      var _gravarAparelho = function (objetoAparelho) {
        meusDados.aparelho = objetoAparelho;
      var _recuperarMeusDados = function () {
        return meusDados;
      var _exemploDeAPI = function () {
        return $http.get('http://private-59658d-celulardireto2017.apiary-');
      return {
        _gravarAparelho: gravarAparelho,
        _recuperarMeusDados: recuperarMeusDados,
        __exemploDeAPI: exemploDeAPI
        /* quando o CONTROLLER chamar "meuService.gravarAparelho()" ele vai entender que 'gravarAparelho' se refere a funçao '_gravarAparelho' (dentro do service)*/
    26.01.2018 / 01:10