Error executing SUM - SQL Server


Well, I'm trying to do SUM according to the query below, however, the following error occurs. "You can not perform an aggregate function on an expression that contains an aggregation or a subquery." The output is to exit this way.

Total_Horas   MesID        Mes     Ano
60             1         Janeiro   2018


sum(dbo.FN_CALC_HORAS_UTEIS(s.SolData,min(l.LogData))),datepart(month,s.SolData) MesID,datename(month,s.soldata) Mes,datepart(year,s.soldata) Ano
Solicitacao S
left join usuario U 
on (U.UsuID = S.UsuIDResponsavel) 
left join Status ST
on S.SolStatus = ST.CodStatus
left join Log L on L.LogSolID = s.SolID and (l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%1057%' or l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%3343%')
where S.proid in (2) and S.UsuIDResponsavel in(1776) and s.SolStatus <> 9 and convert(date,s.soldata) between '01-01-2018' and getdate()--and s.SolID = 65513
group by datepart(month,s.SolData),datename(month,s.soldata) ,datepart(year,s.soldata)
asked by anonymous 24.01.2018 / 13:27

1 answer


Try this with an external query:

    sum(horas_uteis) as soma_horas
from (
        dbo.FN_CALC_HORAS_UTEIS(s.SolData,min(l.LogData)) as horas_uteis
        datepart(month,s.SolData) MesID,
        datename(month,s.soldata) Mes,
        datepart(year,s.soldata) Ano
    from Solicitacao S
        left join usuario U on (U.UsuID = S.UsuIDResponsavel) 
        left join Status ST on S.SolStatus = ST.CodStatus
        left join Log L on L.LogSolID = s.SolID and (l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%1057%' or l.LOGDESCRICAO like '%3343%')
        S.proid in (2)
        and S.UsuIDResponsavel in (1776)
        and s.SolStatus <> 9
        and convert(date,s.soldata) between '01-01-2018' and getdate()--and s.SolID = 65513
) as X
group by MesID, Mes, Ano
24.01.2018 / 13:41