Well, this is my first post. Sorry if I did not follow some publishing rule / tag.
I made a form in html that sends data to a file in php. Then I put ajax not to reload the page. Until then, okay. But the html and ajax are in the same scrip and I want to separate them.
The form has a reply button. So I thought I'd do it in the js file. a querySelector with the form id and addEventListener, and when the click occurred, it would execute ajax. Is it possible to do that?
1 - Ajax
method: 'POST',
url : 'banco-responder.php',
data: {
id : $("#id-resposta-<?=$row['id']?>").val() ,
resposta : $("#resposta-pergunta-<?=$row['id']?>").val()
alert("Respondido com Sucesso!");
alert('Deu pau');
return false;
2 - Query Selector / addEventListener:
var botaoResponder = document.querySelector("#botao_resp_<?=$row['id']?>");
botaoResponder.addEventListener("click", function(){
alert("teste: Botão responder foi clicado com sucesso!!!");
I want to put the ajax inside the addEventListener when the click happens and then separate the files. How can I do this?