How to set a string in weblogic


I need my application to consume an internal webservice and I would like to know if it is possible to register the endpoint of this webservice in a weblogic variable and call this variable by my application.

example how I'm doing today:

public Endereco getEndereco(string cep){
    //Consumir o webService http://buscarEnderecoPorCEP isso esta hardcoded

I would like to use something like:

public Endereco getEndereco(string cep){
        //Consumir o webService que esta na variavel GETCEP do weblogic

The reason I'm looking for this is because I have more than 1 application consuming this webservice and all are webservices and .war files in web logic, if the endpoint " link "I have to generate all the .war files again while I would like to change only some configuration in the weblogic without needing to generate the .war files again

asked by anonymous 31.01.2018 / 15:25

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