SWIFT Image Gallery and Firebase Storage


Good afternoon, I am finalizing an APP developed in Swift 4 , with Xcode 9 and Firebase . I can log in with Firebase, and send email through my App, what I need to do, which I'm not getting at all is how to mount an image gallery, with the images I save in Firebase Storage, but this automatically, I can already send the images to Firebase Storage. Here's what I want to do, I'm trying for 3 weeks and reading many tutorials I can not do.

Considering that the images are already in Firebase Storage:

  • List all user saved photos in Firebase Storage in an image gallery
  • This list has to be thumbnails of the images, and when they are clicked they are the normal size that are recorded.
  • Note: There is this library that assembles the image gallery, the way I want it, but I do not know how to use it or how I would load the images automatically from Fisebase (library: link ) Could you please help me.

    Thank you

    asked by anonymous 25.01.2018 / 17:30

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