I am trying to help an NGO as a volunteer in order to:
recover your website after an incident with your web hosting service (internal sabotage by someone who left the organization)
not having access to source at the moment makes things even more difficult;
I did the following:
I installed mamp on my Macintosh
To make things easy and very fast, I developed a minimal website in Wordpress with the content that was provided to me in less than two hours.
bought a new web domain (they were also sabotaged in the domain)
I talked to a friend who runs an IT company to provide us with a free web hosting service, which is already mapped to the new domain.
I should note that the new domain is not mapped to the web hosting service at the dns level
Regarding migration:
- _ I first tried to back up my mamp data on the public_html server ftp running the panel, as well as clone the database and migrate it) _
I was unable to access WordPress installation through IP address
Since the first iteration of the site is quite minimal, and I can basically migrate the content to WordPress: .
I deleted the previous installation in your database
- _clonei a blank Wordpress copy in public_html / site (where the site replaces Wordpress_
I create a database in mysql as well as a user, and I associated the user with the database
edited the wp-config.php file and added the name of the database, user, password
I added in some fields near the end of the document with:
- define ('WP_HOME', 'http: // ip / ~ user_name'); Home
- define ('WP_SITEURL', 'http: // ip / ~ user_name'); Home
Then I tried to access the site via http: // ip / ~ user_name where: .
- _the ip argument and the ~ user_name are replaced by the appropriate values_
did not work
I tried:
Ipaddress / site / wp-admin
did not work
I appreciate all possible help due to the fact that:
This should be completed tomorrow
I should note that:
the web hosting service is not really cooperating at the level of technical assistance