How to use Raspberry as a super user?


I am using a Raspberry in which I installed a Python program with its files and reports folder. The problem is that I can not delete the files because only super user can do it. I need the user to be able to delete the files and everything. How can I make it sudo?

asked by anonymous 09.02.2018 / 12:48

3 answers


In raspberry, when the installation is done, a password is registered only for the user who uses the super user commands through sudo. For you to use raspberry as super user you need to register the password:

sudo passwd

Enter the new password (the system prompts you to enter it twice). And then type:


It will ask the super user for the password (which is the one that you registered previously) and you will already be in super user mode.

18.04.2018 / 14:55

If you want to use the graphical interface, you must add a new user and add it in the sudo group with a name you like, such as super, etc. and log in through it. soon you will have all the permissions in the graphical interface

20.04.2018 / 22:35

You can also release write access to this directory

| 0 | - | - | - | Nenhuma permissão de acesso.                        
| 1 | - | - | x | Permissão somente de execução (x).                  
| 2 | - | x | - | Permissão somente de gravação (w).                  
| 3 | - | x | x | Permissões de gravação e execução (wx).             
| 4 | x | - | - | Permissão somente de leitura (r).                   
| 5 | x | - | x | Permissões de leitura e execução (rx).              
| 6 | x | x | - | Permissões de leitura e gravação (rw).              
| 7 | x | x | x | Permissão total (leitura, gravação e execução, rwx).

To release permissions just use chmod . Specification:

chmod [permissão] [nome do diretório ou caminho do diretório]

It looks like this:

chmod 777 diretório


chmod 777 ~/public_html/diretório/
29.06.2018 / 02:10