How to create a TypeScript @Relationship decorator for a property?


Consider the following code:

export class Model {
    constructor(input: any) {

    deserialize(input: any): Model {
        Object.assign(this, input);
        return this;

export class Body extends Model {
    Success: boolean;
    @Relationship Result: Result;

export class Result extends Model {
    Skip: number;
    Top: number;
    TotalCount: number;

The script receives a json and starts a new instance of class Body :

let body = new Body({
    Sucess: true,
    Result: {
        Skip: 0,
        Top: 0,
        TotalCount: 20

The deserialize method is used to copy the values of all enumerable properties of one or more source objects to a target object. It will return the target object.

In order for the Result property to start correctly, a change to the deserialize method is required:

deserialize(input: any): Model {
    Object.assign(this, input);
    this.Result = new Result(input.Result);
    return this;

The problem that the Model class is generic and can not implement the described solution.

I do not want to declare the deserialize method on each child class.

How can the problem be solved by using the @Relationship decorator?

asked by anonymous 10.02.2018 / 18:23

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