Extract data from a .serialize


I am sending data from a form using the $ .get or $ .post method The data is taken by

 var dados = $(this).serialize();

My code:


        var dados = $(this).serialize();

                dados : dados 

            }, function(retorno){

I would like to know how to extract the data so that it can be saved to the database. Below the code you receive in GRAVA.resposta.php

 $dados  = $_GET['dados'];
asked by anonymous 08.02.2018 / 12:50

2 answers


You can receive your data this way:

$dados  = unserialize($_GET['dados']);

give the information passed by the form as an array

To see how your form is passing the infos, do the following:


As php does not serialize in the same way as jquery we have 2 resolutions for the problem

1- function

function unserializeForm($str) {
$returndata = array();
$strArray = explode("&", $str);
$i = 0;
foreach ($strArray as $item) {
    $array = explode("=", $item);
    $returndata[$array[0]] = $array[1];
 return $returndata;

just use it

$dados  = unserializeForm($_GET['dados']);

or use php command for this

parse_str($_GET['dados'], $dados);

Given the $ data already will be an array with your form data can of the var_dump in it.

08.02.2018 / 13:02

To be clearer, I'll post the exact codes. My form has the following values: Name, Response, IP, and Comment_ID.



        var dados = $(this).serialize();

                dados : dados 

            }, function(retorno){


      $dados  = unserialize($_GET['dados']);

  if(isset($_GET['nome']) && isset($_GET['resposta']) && isset($_GET['btnIDComent']) && isset($_GET['btnIPres'])){

$nome = $_GET['nome'];
$resposta = $_GET['resposta'];
$id_comentario = $_GET['btnIDComent'];
$ipRes = $_GET['btnIPres'];

        $db_resposta->setNome($nome );

            echo 'Não foi possivel salvar a resposta!';

   echo 'Error';

I think it's clearer. I want to get the data coming through the get and insert into the bank. unserialize ($ _GET ['data']) did not work

08.02.2018 / 13:15