ESocial - Event signature invalid. Suggested Actions: Check if event has changed after signing. Verify signature validity


I am trying to send the evtInfoEmpregador event and when querying the batch return is returning the message.

<descricao>Assinatura do evento inválida. Ações Sugeridas: Verificar se houve alteração do evento após a assinatura. Verificar a validade da assinatura.</descricao>

I am generating the event, signing and including in the batch, however, after signing, I make an XElement.Parse, because the signature method returns a string.

Follow sent / signed XML, hiding only the data of the signature and CNPJ.

<eSocial xmlns="">
  <envioLoteEventos grupo="1">
      <evento Id="ID1123456780000002018020809200100001">
        <eSocial xmlns="">
          <evtInfoEmpregador Id="ID1123456780000002018020809200100001">
                  <nmRazao>razao social</nmRazao>
                    <email>[email protected]</email>
                    <email>[email protected]</email>
          <Signature xmlns="">
              <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
              <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
              <Reference URI="">
                  <Transform Algorithm="" />
                  <Transform Algorithm="" />
                <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />

Does anyone know what might be happening?

asked by anonymous 08.02.2018 / 12:39

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