Create mask for a text [duplicate]


I need to return a value of CNPJ with a mask through Javascript for a text in a td tag of my html code. The value is returned from the default bd of CNPJ as in the code below:

<tr th:each="cliente : ${clientes}" class="cliente">
<td id="#cnpj" th:text="${cliente.cnpj}" class="cnpjTd"></td>
<td id="#razaosocial" th:text="${cliente.razaoSocial}"></td>

For example, the cnpj client returns a value of "11111111111111" and needs to be formatted as "1111111111 / 1111-11."

How can I do this?

asked by anonymous 22.02.2018 / 14:45

1 answer


I have a code here that I always use and saves me a lot .. It follows below, you just call the function with the value you want.

  function Mascara(valorFormatar) {
    //Coloca ponto entre o segundo e o terceiro dígitos

    //Coloca ponto entre o quinto e o sexto dígitos

    //Coloca uma barra entre o oitavo e o nono dígitos

    //Coloca um hífen depois do bloco de quatro dígitos

    return valorFormatar;
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src=""></script></head><body><h2>Dadoantes</h2><pid="antes">09673442000173</p>

  <h2>Dado depois</h2>

  <p id="depois"></p>

  <button type="button" id="mascarar">Formatar!</button>
22.02.2018 / 15:17