CountDownTimer Behavior


I have a personal project in which I have to use a countdown timer, I'm using CountDownTimer, but I'm noticing a strange behavior when setting 60000 milliseconds, the count starts wrong (01:00 - 00:58 - 00:57 ...). Would I have resolved or should I look for another solution?

mTimer = new CountDownTimer(60000, 1000) {

        public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
            int minutes = (int) (millisUntilFinished / 1000) / 60;
            int seconds = (int) (millisUntilFinished / 1000) % 60;
            mSecondsTextView.setText("" + String.format("%02d", seconds));
            mMinutesTextView.setText("" + String.format("%02d", minutes));

            Log.v("Timer", "Minutes " + minutes + " Seconds " + seconds);

        public void onFinish() {

02-14 00:44:31.111 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 1 Seconds 0
02-14 00:44:32.114 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 58
02-14 00:44:33.116 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 57
02-14 00:44:34.118 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 56
02-14 00:44:35.119 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 55
02-14 00:44:36.120 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 54
02-14 00:44:37.123 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 53
02-14 00:44:38.125 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 52
02-14 00:44:39.126 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 51
02-14 00:44:40.128 19540-19540/com.project.eddsato.pomodoroapp V/Timer: Minutes 0 Seconds 50
asked by anonymous 14.02.2018 / 01:56

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