Hello, I have a problem in which I can not find a solution (and I'm still a layman in PHP to help), I've reviewed the internet and found nothing that could help me, I have a PHP login page where checks if the user exists in a table, if it exists it sends it to a restricted page, if it does not reload the page giving an incorrect login alert or password. I would like to know if it is possible if the login is correct to register in the same table the user's time, login and ip.
Login page code:
include "config/cabecalho.php";
echo $_SESSION['msg'];
<font class="titulo-login"><b>ACESSO RESTRITO</b></font>
<div class="login-pagina">
<div class="caixa-login">
<form action="abrir_interno.php" method="post" name="formlogin" id="formlogin">
<img src="imagens/iconeavatar.png" class="img-login" />
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="campo-login" placeholder="EMAIL" required autofocus/>
<img src="imagens/iconecadeado.png" class="img-login"/>
<input type="password" name="senha" id="senha" class="campo-login" placeholder="Senha" required/><br /><br />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="ENTRAR" class="botao">
<button class="botao-admin" onclick="location.href='index.php'"><img src="imagens/iconevoltar.png" class="img-botao">VOLTAR PARA ÁREA DE CLIENTES</button>
include "config/rodape.php";
Page code "open_internal.php"
// session_start inicia a sessão
// as variáveis login e senha recebem os dados digitados na página anterior
$login = addslashes($_POST['email']);
$senha = addslashes($_POST['senha']);
// a próxima linha é responsável em se conectar com o banco de dados.
include "config/conexao.php";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM usuario_interno WHERE NOME = '$login' AND SENHA= '$senha'";
// A variavel $buscar pega o $login e $senha, faz uma pesquisa na tabela de usuarios
$buscar = mysqli_query($conexao,$sql) or die (mysqli_error($conexao));
$_SESSION['email'] = $login;
$_SESSION['senha'] = $senha;
unset ($_SESSION['email']);
unset ($_SESSION['senha']);
header("refresh: 0; url=../acesso_interno.php");
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Erro ao entrar!\n LOGIN ou SENHA incorretos!")
I would like to know if in this open_internal.php it would be possible to register the user's date, time and IP and, if possible, what would happen?
Thanks for all the help right away!
Ps: If my code has something wrong, please correct me: D