Structure and Pointers in C: Binary Tree


Hello, I'm trying to create a math expression tree with the following logic:

My expression is a string, and I have 4 character options:

  • (: When finding this character, my code must create a node for pref , insert in its conteudo(pref->conteudo) the character '#', save the address of pref in a vector of pointers endereco , it adds the variable k (causing the vector to move to next iteration) and make pref point to pref->esq .
  • Numerals (0 through 9): Creates a node in pref and fills its conteudo(pref->conteudo) with the numeric character.
  • Operator (+ - * /): When finding an operator, it looks at the last address of the endereco vector, causes pref = endereco[k] (implicando que pref irá apontar para esse novo endereço) to then pref->conteudo to receive the character for the operator, after that% .
  • ): Decreases the%% variable by making the referential of the pref = pref->dir(aponta para a direita) vector decreases. If so, I thought of the vector k as if it were a stack itself.

That was my idea, though I'm getting serious segment fault issues even though I can not think of what I'm missing. The code below breaks down into main and arvbin.c NOTE: My intention was to have a pointer moving through the tree ( endereco ) and something static as a reference for the root, but as I said I'm having serious problems with pointer handling. PS: I noticed in other answers that typedef defining a pointer to a structure is a bad programming practice, but that was the only way I could learn to define a pointer to a structure x within that structure.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "arvbin.h"
    typedef struct no *pontNo;
    typedef struct no{
        char conteudo;
        pontNo esq;
        pontNo dir;
    void CRIA_NO(pontNo novoNo,char info){
        novoNo = malloc(sizeof(no));
        novoNo->conteudo = info;
        novoNo->esq = NULL;
        novoNo->dir = NULL;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "arvbin.h"

int main() {
    //Declaracao de variaveis & Inicializacoes:
    no raiz; //Raiz da arvore declarada
    raiz.conteudo = '#'; //Declarando conteudo da raiz
    pontNo pm = &raiz; //(P)onteiro para (M)ovimentacao na arvore,inicialmente apontando para raiz
    pontNo endereco[20]; //Vetor de ponteiros para endereco do tipo pontNo, funcionara como uma pilha
    char expressao[100]; //Expressao matematica inserida
    int resultado;

        printf("Escreva a expressao matematica(Caso queira parar, escreva 0): ");
        if(strcmp(expressao,"0") == 0) break; //Condicao de parada do loop de insercao de expressoes
        int k = 0;
        int error = 0;
        int i;      
        for(i = 0;expressao[i] != '
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "arvbin.h"
    typedef struct no *pontNo;
    typedef struct no{
        char conteudo;
        pontNo esq;
        pontNo dir;
    void CRIA_NO(pontNo novoNo,char info){
        novoNo = malloc(sizeof(no));
        novoNo->conteudo = info;
        novoNo->esq = NULL;
        novoNo->dir = NULL;

';i++){ if(expressao[i] == '('){ if(i == 0){ endereco[k] = pm; printf("%c\n",endereco[k]->conteudo); k++; pm = pm->esq; } else{ CRIA_NO(pm,'#'); endereco[k] = pm; printf("%c\n",endereco[k]->conteudo); k++; pm = pm->esq; } } else if(expressao[i] == '0'||expressao[i] == '1'||expressao[i] == '2'||expressao[i] == '3'||expressao[i] == '4'||expressao[i] == '5'||expressao[i] == '6'||expressao[i] == '7'||expressao[i] == '8'||expressao[i] == '9'){ CRIA_NO(pm,expressao[i]); printf("%c\n",pm->conteudo); } else if(expressao[i] == '+'||expressao[i] == '-'||expressao[i] == '*'||expressao[i] == '/'){ } else if(expressao[i] == ')'){ } else{ printf("Erro na expressao: char nao reconhecido!\n"); error = 1; break; } } } return 0; }

If you have another way to solve this problem let me know!

asked by anonymous 16.02.2018 / 15:10

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