I do this the upload where the folder is created inside the wordpress folder:
if (!file_exists($pasta)){
mkdir("$pasta", 0777);
$diretorio = "img/";
foreach ($registro as $Id => $estado) {
$url = $diretorio . $_FILES['Imagem']['name'][$Id];
$nome_arquivo = $_FILES['Imagem']['name'][$Id];
// salva as imagens na pasta
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Imagem']['tmp_name'][$Id], $url);
Changing the path to folder creation within the theme folder:
$pasta = "/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/busiprof/img";
if (!file_exists($pasta)){
mkdir("$pasta", 0777);
$diretorio = "/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/busiprof/img/";
foreach ($registro as $Id => $estado) {
$url = $diretorio . $_FILES['Imagem']['name'][$Id];
$nome_arquivo = $_FILES['Imagem']['name'][$Id];
// salva as imagens na pasta
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Imagem']['tmp_name'][$Id], $url);
Now to display the images in the table I do this way but do not display the images:
$result_cursos = "SELECT
FROM centrodb.RegistoManutencao LEFT OUTER JOIN centrodb.InfoLuvas
ON centrodb.InfoLuvas.Id = centrodb.RegistoManutencao.Colaborador
WHERE Estado IS NULL OR Estado <> 'Concluído';";
$resultado_cursos = mysqli_query($conn, $result_cursos);
$tabela1 .= '<div style="float: center" table align="center">';
$tabela1 .= '<table border="5">';
$tabela1 .= '<tr>';
$tabela1 .='<thead>';
$tabela1 .= '<tr>';
$tabela1 .= '<th>Colaborador</th>';
$tabela1 .= '<th>Imagem</th>';
$tabela1 .= '</tr>';
$tabela1 .='</thead>';
$tabela1 .='<tbody>';
while($rows_cursos = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado_cursos)) {
$tabela1 .= '<tr>';
$tabela1 .= '<td>'.$rows_cursos['Funcionario'].'</td>';
$tabela1 .= '<td><img src="/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/busiprof/img/' .$rows_cursos['Imagem']. '" /></td>';
$tabela1 .= '</tr>';
$tabela1 .= '</tr>';
$tabela1 .='</tbody>';
$tabela1 .= '</table>';
$tabela1 .= '</div>';
echo $tabela1;
and the result is this as shown in the image:
I solved the problem. The problem is in the way. Solution:
$tabela1 .= '<td><img src="../img/' .$rows_cursos['Imagem']. '" /></td>';
If you upload images from Windows, it displays the images perfectly in the query part, but if I upload the images via Android after I can not see the images, I get the error as shown in the image above. My code is the way I show it in the question But the image I enter for Android is in the img
(upload) folder and inserts the name and extension for the database table. I'm inserting images taken by the Android camera
Creating the image field:
$tabela1 .= '<td> <input type="file" name= "Imagem['.$rows_cursos['Id'].']" id= "Imagem"></td>';
Image Insertion Form:
echo "<form method='POST' action='' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";
echo $tabela1;
echo "<input type='submit' name='registar' value='Registo'>";
echo "</form>";
Update to table and folder creation:
$pasta = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/wp-content/themes/busiprof/img";
if (!file_exists($pasta)){
mkdir("$pasta", 0777);
$diretorio = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/wp-content/themes/busiprof/img";
foreach ($registro as $Id => $estado) {
$url = $diretorio . $_FILES['Imagem']['name'][$Id];
$nome_arquivo = $_FILES['Imagem']['name'][$Id];
// salva as imagens na pasta
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Imagem']['tmp_name'][$Id], $url);
$conn->query("UPDATE RegistoManutencao SET Estado = '$registro[$Id]', Imagem = '$nome_arquivo', Tratamento = '$tratamento[$Id]' WHERE Id='".$Id."'");
Displaying the image in the query for the user:
$tabela1 .= '<td><<img src="../img/' .$rows_cursos['Imagem']. '" width="600" height="400" alt="CodigoFonte.com.br" onMouseOut="diminui(this)" onMouseOver="aumenta(this)"/></td>';
Inspecting the image shows this error in the console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)