Change focus from one field to another on MVC screens (ADVPL)


Good afternoon, I set up a screen in ADVPL using the MVC pattern. This screen has FIELD and a GRID (parent and child).

No FIELD has only 1 barcode field, when it informs the bar code the system goes there in GRID and fills in the required information, the problem is that focus stays in GRID e does not return to the barcode field again.

I used SetFieldAction to trigger the function that fills the grid.

oView:SetFieldAction("ZAD_CODBAR", { |oView, cIDView, cField, xValue| **addLinha**(oView, cIDView, cField, xValue) } )

static function **addLinha**(oView, cIDView, cField, xValue)

local oMZAD := oModel:GetModel('mfZAD')
local oMZAE := oModel:GetModel('mgZAE')

// ultima linha do grid

// preenche as informações

// adiciona um alinha

// limpa o campo código de barras para ler novamente

// volta o focus para o campo código de barras
// neste ponto eu precisava voltar o focus para o campo ZAD_CODBAR
// tá tentei SetFocus(GetFocus(M->ZAD_CODBAR)) mas não funcionou

asked by anonymous 26.02.2018 / 20:14

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