Bootstrap theme does not work on select multiple


Personal I have this select bootstrap but it loses the bootstrap theme when I put the option multiple , what to do?

<ui-select theme="bootstrap" multiple ng-model="$ctrl.pasTo" ng-disabled="ctrl.disabled" close-      on-select="false">
     <ui-select-match placeholder="Todos">{{$item.sigla ? $item.codigo + '-' + $item.sigla :             $item.codigo}}
     <ui-select-choices repeat="pa in $ctrl.pasAvaible | filter:$ | orderBy:               ['agCodigo','codigo']">
        <div class="text-bold" ng-bind-html="pa.sigla ? pa.codigo + ' - ' + pa.sigla :pa.codigo             | highlight: $">
asked by anonymous 27.02.2018 / 20:37

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