List and search for records


Good afternoon, guys. if it is possible I would like your help .. I am already breaking my mind and still can not find a correct solution. Please if anyone can help thank you very much.

  • 3 linked tables
  • reset | id, name, uf
  • repregiao | id, est_id, title
  • Representatives | id,

I have a select referring to the repesting table, when selecting a state, should list all the records in the REPRESENTATIVES table that has the EST_ID equal to the id field of the STATES table.

PROBLEM: in my query this is listing all the representatives that have the est_id equal to the id of the state table, but where it repeats shows equal

Example States: Alagoas = ID 2 Representatives: A = est_id 2 / B = est_id 22 / c = est_id 12 the query is showing the 3 combinations where the 2 repeats, and I need to only show the exact records to my search, not other variable.


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<div class="container content page">

    <div class="row mobile-spacing-5">

    <div class="row">

                    <div class="span12">
                        <div class="page-header arrow-grey">
                            <h2>Selecione o estado requerido</h2>
            .custom-select-menu{ width: 300px; background: #fff; border: #ccc; float: left}
            .custom-select-menu > ul {height: 200px;overflow-y: scroll;}
                   <div class="span4">

                    <form class="navbar-form" method="post" action="">
                        <div class="subscribe-form " >                    

                            <select name="est_id" class="custom-select-menu">
                            <option value="">Seleciones um Estado...</option>
                            $query = mysqli_query($_mysqli, "select * from repestado order by nome desc");
                            while ($categoria = mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
                                <option  value="<?php echo $categoria['id']; ?>"><?php echo $categoria['nome']; ?></option>
                    <button id="contact-submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-green ">Buscar</button>



                   <div class="span6">

                           <div class="span3 ">
                        <div class="row">
                if (empty($_POST['est_id'])) {
                    $query = mysqli_query($_mysqli, "select, r.contato rep_contato, r.empresa rep_empresa, r.telefone rep_telefone, rep_email, g.titulo reg_titulo, e.nome est_nome from representantes r inner join repregiao g on r.reg_id = inner join repestado e on r.est_id  = order by desc");
                } else {                  
                    $query = mysqli_query($_mysqli, "select, r.contato rep_contato, r.empresa rep_empresa, r.telefone rep_telefone, rep_email, g.titulo reg_titulo, e.nome est_nome from representantes r inner join repregiao g on r.reg_id = inner join repestado e on r.est_id  = where field like '".$_POST['est_id']."%' order by desc");                    

               $resultado = mysqli_num_rows($query);

                if ($resultado > 1) {

                    while ($rest = mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {

                            <div class="span8">
                                <div class="twitter-item">
                                    <ul class="tweet_list">
                                        <li class="tweet_first tweet_odd">
                                            <span class="tweet_text">Regi&atilde;o de Atua&ccedil;&atilde;o: <?php echo $rest['reg_titulo'] ?> | <?php echo $rest['est_nome'] ?></span></br>
                                            <span class="tweet_text">Empresa: <?php echo $rest['rep_empresa'] ?></span></br>
                                            <span class="tweet_text">Contato: <?php echo $rest['rep_contato'] ?></span></br>
                                            <span class="tweet_text">Telefone:<?php echo $rest['rep_telefone'] ?></span></br>
                                            <span class="tweet_text">Email: <?php echo $rest['rep_email'] ?></span></br>

                } else {
                    <div class="span8">
                                <div class="twitter-item">
                                    <ul class="tweet_list">
                                        <li class="tweet_first tweet_odd">
                                            <h5>Não temos representantes nesse estado.</h5></br>
                                            <span class="tweet_text">Quer ser nosso representante?</span></br>
                                            <span class="tweet_text">Clique no botão enviar e encaminhe seus dados completos através do e-mail e aguarde que faremos contato.</span></br>
                                <a class="btn btn-green" href="mailto:[email protected]">Enviar Dados</a>





asked by anonymous 24.02.2018 / 19:45

0 answers