How to add + 10 days in the following code that opens date [duplicate]


As other ways to open date in Portuguese on some servers are problematic, I use the code below. It turns out that now I need to display the current date + 10 days. How to do this?

$meses = array (1 => "Janeiro", 2 => "Fevereiro", 3 => "Março", 4 => "Abril", 5 => "Maio", 6 => "Junho", 7 => "Julho", 8 => "Agosto", 9 => "Setembro", 10 => "Outubro", 11 => "Novembro", 12 => "Dezembro"); 
  $hoje = getdate() ; 
  $mes = $hoje["mon"]; 
  $nomemes = $meses[$mes]; 
  $ano = $hoje["year"]; 

  echo "$nomemes $ano";
asked by anonymous 04.03.2018 / 21:31

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