Facebook Graph PHP API - The user has not authorized


I created an APP on facebook dev. My purpose is to create an app for me to post to groups about updates to my blog.

I also did the backend part, basically copying the Facebook SDK PHP, only changed the requests I would ask the user - that's me.

$permissions = ['public_profile','email', 'publish_actions', 'publish_pages',  'user_managed_groups'];

I decided to test. I logged in through the SDK, generated the Token, the permissions were granted successfully (I visualized by the debug token of Facebook).

Even so, when trying to post to a Group, it gives the following error:


(# 200) The user has not authorized the application to perform this   action.

When I publish to groups that I manage myself , it works, but in other groups when I'm only a "member", regardless of whether it's public, closed or private, / p>

Does this have to do with the fact that Facebook only allows posting to groups I manage ? That is, the type of "authorization" requested is not at the user / application level but rather the user / group?

I see that there are sites that advertise in Facebook groups, if I really can not do it myself, I will need to use a third party system. Although, I ask myself: how do they even do this? ..

Does anyone know anything? I'm almost giving up ..

Thank you.

asked by anonymous 10.03.2018 / 22:48

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