API Key for Angular Applications 5


Validate system access with a key:

I have an application that uses the following technologies:

Cloud Firestore, Angular 5, Electron, Bootstrap 4

I am looking for ways to generate, for example, a passkey so that I can release my application only for specific clients. This can vary the number of clients, but the issue is that I need to release only to those who pay for my service, generating a specific password for each client.

I'm new to WPA applications, currently I'm developing an application in Angular 5, the only way to restrict access to the system at the moment is a Login screen where the user (client) must inform his user and password. >

It is allowed to create a user, as long as he has the access key to register in the system, it happens that this access key is standard and would like a method of generating access keys, and these access keys will expire after a certain amount of time and restrict access if the client no longer wants to use my application.

Doing research at the moment I do not find anything very relevant and that fits with what I need, I would like that if someone has a methodology to meet what I describe above, give me a source of information concerning.

Thank you in advance!

asked by anonymous 27.02.2018 / 15:26

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