bash: create-project: command not found


Good evening, I'm not the smartest guy on linux. I use Laravel and have always created projects with the command


$ composer create-project -prefer-dist laravel / laravel project-name

But today I decided to follow a tutorial on the web to run that famous new blog command to create projects, and execute the commands:


$ composer global require "laravel / installer"
  $ echo 'export PATH="$ HOME / .composer / vendor / bin: $ PATH"' > ~ / .bashrc source ~ / .bashrc

When I tried to run the


$ laravel new blog

You made a mistake, so far so good. The problem is that when I use the command I have always used to create the project I get an error


$ bash: create-project: command not found

I can not fix or create new projects. And now?

asked by anonymous 01.03.2018 / 02:17

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