PHP: location map of users through IP with geolocation [duplicate]


Good Night, I have in my company's database with several IP addresses (in historical format) and the current IP of the user that accesses my site.

I would like to know if I can with this data mount a map of the access, showing which countries I have the largest flow of users.

The system automatically already determines the acronym of the country through php and a GeoIp database that I set up, I would then like to know how to organize this data on a map.

asked by anonymous 10.03.2018 / 03:00

1 answer


If you already have the country the user is in, you can do it in several ways, including:

1 - use the Google Maps API and use the heat map link

2 - You can mount the mundi map in SVG (google has several websites to download) and create a collection of colors and according to the amount of accesses you use the color to paint that country.

10.03.2018 / 16:54