How to correctly use Ngrok with Angular-cli?


Is there any correct way to use Ngrok with Angular?

I'm trying to do a tunneling for my application that runs on localhost, creating a random web (URL) to make available on the internet, so I can run Moip Signature Webhook API tests.

It happens that when I insert the random URL created in the address bar of the Google Chrome browser and run, it loads the title of my application but does not render the content of my application on the page.

The Browser keeps trying to load, it's as if it were in an infinite loop, I looked at the console to check for an error, there is no error returned and through the address: localhost: 4200 executes normally.

Command Prompt:

ng serve

ngrok http 4200 -host-header="localhost:4200"
asked by anonymous 03.03.2018 / 02:55

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