does not remove if first line html java


Good. with this code I can add and remove rows but I am having difficulty locking the first one so it is not deleted. how can I do it?

var table = $( '#table-data' )[0];

$( table ).delegate( '.tr_clone_add', 'click', function () {
	var thisRow = $( this ).closest( 'tr' )[0];
	$( thisRow ).clone().insertAfter( thisRow ).find( 'input:text' ).val( '' );

$(table).delegate( '.tr_clone_del', 'click', function () {
    var thisRow = $(this).closest("tr")[0];
<script src=""></script><tablewidth="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="table-data">
        <tr class="tr_clone">
            <select name="campo1[]">
            <option value="0">-</option>
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="2">2</option>
            <td><input type="text" name="campo2[]" class="input" value="0"></td>
            <td><button alt="" class="tr_clone_add" style="cursor:pointer;" title="Adicionar">+</button></td>
            <td><button alt="" class="tr_clone_del" style="cursor:pointer;" title="Remover">-</button>
asked by anonymous 22.03.2018 / 16:25

1 answer


Just add this to your opt-out method, a small check on how many tr there is.

$(table).delegate( '.tr_clone_del', 'click', function () {
      if($('.tr_clone').length > 1) {
        var thisRow = $(this).closest("tr")[0];

The complete example follows.

$(function() {
	var table = $( '#table-data' )[0];

  $( table ).delegate( '.tr_clone_add', 'click', function () {
    var thisRow = $( this ).closest( 'tr' )[0];
    $( thisRow ).clone().insertAfter( thisRow ).find( 'input:text' ).val( '' );

  $(table).delegate( '.tr_clone_del', 'click', function () {
      if($('.tr_clone').length > 1) {
        var thisRow = $(this).closest("tr")[0];
<script src=""></script><tablewidth="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="table-data">
        <tr class="tr_clone">
            <select name="campo1">
            <option value="0">-</option>
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="2">2</option>
            <td><input type="text" name="campo2" class="input"></td>
            <td><button alt="" class="tr_clone_add" style="cursor:pointer;" title="Adicionar">+</button></td>
            <td><button alt="" class="tr_clone_del" style="cursor:pointer;" title="Remover">-</button>
22.03.2018 / 17:39