Angular4 ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError using recursive method


I'm trying to develop a chat that sends several messages, and when an interaction is needed, that they display buttons or a textbox. This chat displays typed messages ...

But I have a problem with the cycle to send messages in a row ...

I have a component chat.component.ts that loads text in a span with "typing" effect.


I ended up creating my own recursive Typing method, as I found several on the internet, but I would need to adapt them, mainly to find out when the method was finished ...

export default class Typed {
  public posicao:number = 0
  public complete : boolean = false

  typeWriter(element: string, txt: string, speed: number,) {   
    var that = this
    let intervaloVirgula: number = 500
    let intervaloPonto: number = 1000

    if (this.posicao < txt.length) {
        document.getElementById(element).innerHTML += txt.charAt(this.posicao);

        let strNaPosicao = txt.charAt(this.posicao - 1)

        switch (strNaPosicao) {
            case '.':
                setTimeout(function () { that.typeWriter(element, txt, speed) }, speed + intervaloPonto);
            case ',':
                setTimeout(function () { that.typeWriter(element, txt, speed) }, speed + intervaloVirgula);
                setTimeout(function () { that.typeWriter(element, txt, speed) }, speed);
        this.complete = true

The variable this.complete is bound to an ngIf, and when the method terminates it will become true, thus displaying the BootComponent component.


Classe BotaoDecisao.ts

This component is displayed and fired where it has a switch for each type of action. In this type, it returns to the component itself through an EventEmitter method that will call the method checkProgress of chat.component again.

private MontarInteracaoHistoria(){

      //proxima historia


public verificaProgresso(idProximaHistoria :string) {

Class Chat.Component

Now returning to the component chat.componente, the call of the method of typewriter is carried out and at that moment I have an error of the Angular ...

public ClicarBotaoResposta($event){   
  // $event pega o parametro do emitter
  let idProximaHistoria: string = $event

  //incrementa contagem de frases

  //Carrega as linhas com typed passando parametros

private CarregarHistorias(idProximaHistoria: string, speed: number){
  // Cria objeto que faz efeito de escrita
  this.typed = new Typed()

  //retorna objeto do tipo HistoriaModel com as propriedades
  this.historiaObjeto = this.RecuperaHistoria(idProximaHistoria)

  //Incrementa mais objetos <span> no array para aparecer no HTML
  if (this.progresso != 0)
    this.spansCont.push("typed"+ this.progresso)

  setTimeout(()=>this.typed.typeWriter('typed' + this.progresso, this.historiaObjeto.frase, speed),500)

It says that this.complete property of the Typed object has been changed before being checked and can not follow and send the message sequence ...

I tried to use promises for the Typed method to be asynchronous, but this method typed.typewriter that I call is recursive and I could not implement it.

I do not know if I could explain very well, but if anyone can help and give the structure / code suggestions to have good practices and a better operation, I would appreciate it!

asked by anonymous 08.03.2018 / 20:09

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