The mysql_*
functions are obsolete and have been removed in PHP 7, but mysqli_ * are similar, I will show an example with mysqli ...
//inicia uma conexão com o banco, note que aqui ja é selecionado o banco de dados
$con = new mysqli("server", "user", "pass", "db_name");
//Caso algum erro ocorra mostra o erro
if(mysqli_connect_errno()) trigger_error(mysqli_connect_error());
//Prepara o SQL
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM site");
//Executa o SQL
//Obtem o resultado do SQL
$res = $stmt->get_result();
To show SQL has several forms ...
- Save the result in an array in another array:
$array = $res->fetch_all();
echo $array[x][y];
- query row
- query column
returns the id (column in position 2) of the first row of the query (line of position 0), always remembering that the array starts at position 0, that is, position 0 = 1 °, position 1 = 2 °, ...
- Save a line in an array, a loop is usually used to fetch all lines:
while($array = $res->fetch_row()) {
echo "$array[0], $array[1], $array[2]<br>";
Show all names, adscode and id, <br>
is just for better viewing
- Works the same way that the fetch_row
, however instead of taking the position of the array, is caught by the name denominated by the bank:
while($array = $res->fetch_row()) {
echo $array["titulo"]." (".$array["id"].") - ".$array["adscode"]."<br>"
No fetch_assoc
does not have to be used in the order of the columns of the bank, but does not use interpolation (variable in the middle of the string, "texto $variavel mais texto"
), causes error
- Saves the data in an array can be used both $array["coluna"]
and $array[x]
while($array = $res->fetch_array()) {
echo $array["titulo"]." (".$array["id"].") - $array[2]<br>";
In%% can be used interpolation in numbers
- Returns an object with the data:
while($array = $res->fetch_object()) {
echo "$array->titulo ($array->id) - $array->adscode<br>";
No fetch_object
can use interpolation quietly
You can create a php file with the code below:
class Result{
public $titulo;
public $adscode;
function getResultado($conn){
$sqlf = "
SELECT titulo,adscode FROM tabela
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sqlf);
$stmt->bind_result($titulo, $anuncio);
while(($stmt->fetch()) ){
$result = new Result();
$result->numero = $titulo;
$result->data = $anuncio;
$listaResult[] = $result;
return $listaResult;
$listaResult = getResultado($conn);
}catch (Exception $e){
$msgErro = $e->getMessage();
If it is more than one row of records, I created the variable $ listResult to store all the records.
This line: "include (" connectionMysql.php "); I have created a file with the database connection data, I created it just to make it easier, but it would be something like this if you are using SQL:
$HOST = "";
$USER = "";
$conn = new mysqli($HOST, $USER, $PASSWORD, $DATABASE);
if ($conn->connect_error)
throw new Exception('Falha na conexão com o MySQL: ' . $conn->connect_error);