How to create log file with RFID sensor and DS1307 for PIC


I am doing a design of a dot-register that will use an SD card module (MMC), RFID Sensor MFRC-522 and a Real Time Clock (DS1307). These are just the main components, there is still the keyboard that will serve the menu that is in finalization. I'm doing the project on PIC18f4620 using MikroC. I would like help to know how to relate schedules and names, plus a help with the library because I did not understand the operation very well, since I am new to programming C. Thanks in advance.


extern sfr sbit MFRC522_CS;
extern sfr sbit MFRC522_Rst;
extern sfr sbit MFRC522_CS_Direction;
extern sfr sbit MFRC522_Rst_Direction;

//MF522 Command word
#define PCD_IDLE              0x00               //NO action; Cancel the current command
#define PCD_AUTHENT           0x0E               //Authentication Key
#define PCD_RECEIVE           0x08               //Receive Data
#define PCD_TRANSMIT          0x04               //Transmit data
#define PCD_TRANSCEIVE        0x0C               //Transmit and receive data,
#define PCD_RESETPHASE        0x0F               //Reset
#define PCD_CALCCRC           0x03               //CRC Calculate

// Mifare_One card command word
#define PICC_REQIDL          0x26               // find the antenna area does not enter hibernation
#define PICC_REQALL          0x52               // find all the cards antenna area
#define PICC_ANTICOLL        0x93               // anti-collision
#define PICC_SElECTTAG       0x93               // election card
#define PICC_AUTHENT1A       0x60               // authentication key A
#define PICC_AUTHENT1B       0x61               // authentication key B
#define PICC_READ            0x30               // Read Block
#define PICC_WRITE           0xA0               // write block
#define PICC_DECREMENT       0xC0               // debit
#define PICC_INCREMENT       0xC1               // recharge
#define PICC_RESTORE         0xC2               // transfer block data to the buffer
#define PICC_TRANSFER        0xB0               // save the data in the buffer
#define PICC_HALT            0x50               // Sleep

//And MF522 The error code is returned when communication
#define MI_OK                 0
#define MI_NOTAGERR           1
#define MI_ERR                2

//------------------MFRC522 Register---------------
//Page 0:Command and Status
#define     RESERVED00            0x00    
#define     COMMANDREG            0x01    
#define     COMMIENREG            0x02    
#define     DIVLENREG             0x03    
#define     COMMIRQREG            0x04    
#define     DIVIRQREG             0x05
#define     ERRORREG              0x06    
#define     STATUS1REG            0x07    
#define     STATUS2REG            0x08    
#define     FIFODATAREG           0x09
#define     FIFOLEVELREG          0x0A
#define     WATERLEVELREG         0x0B
#define     CONTROLREG            0x0C
#define     BITFRAMINGREG         0x0D
#define     COLLREG               0x0E
#define     RESERVED01            0x0F
//PAGE 1:Command     
#define     RESERVED10            0x10
#define     MODEREG               0x11
#define     TXMODEREG             0x12
#define     RXMODEREG             0x13
#define     TXCONTROLREG          0x14
#define     TXAUTOREG             0x15
#define     TXSELREG              0x16
#define     RXSELREG              0x17
#define     RXTHRESHOLDREG        0x18
#define     DEMODREG              0x19
#define     RESERVED11            0x1A
#define     RESERVED12            0x1B
#define     MIFAREREG             0x1C
#define     RESERVED13            0x1D
#define     RESERVED14            0x1E
#define     SERIALSPEEDREG        0x1F
//PAGE 2:CFG    
#define     RESERVED20            0x20  
#define     CRCRESULTREGM         0x21
#define     CRCRESULTREGL         0x22
#define     RESERVED21            0x23
#define     MODWIDTHREG           0x24
#define     RESERVED22            0x25
#define     RFCFGREG              0x26
#define     GSNREG                0x27
#define     CWGSPREG              0x28
#define     MODGSPREG             0x29
#define     TMODEREG              0x2A
#define     TPRESCALERREG         0x2B
#define     TRELOADREGH           0x2C
#define     TRELOADREGL           0x2D
#define     TCOUNTERVALUEREGH     0x2E
#define     TCOUNTERVALUEREGL     0x2F
#define     RESERVED30            0x30
#define     TESTSEL1REG           0x31
#define     TESTSEL2REG           0x32
#define     TESTPINENREG          0x33
#define     TESTPINVALUEREG       0x34
#define     TESTBUSREG            0x35
#define     AUTOTESTREG           0x36
#define     VERSIONREG            0x37
#define     ANALOGTESTREG         0x38
#define     TESTDAC1REG           0x39  
#define     TESTDAC2REG           0x3A   
#define     TESTADCREG            0x3B   
#define     RESERVED31            0x3C   
#define     RESERVED32            0x3D   
#define     RESERVED33            0x3E   
#define     RESERVED34            0x3F

static void MFRC522_Wr( char addr, char value )
        MFRC522_CS = 0;
        Soft_SPI_Write( ( addr << 1 ) & 0x7E );
        Soft_SPI_Write( value );
        MFRC522_CS = 1;

static char MFRC522_Rd( char addr )
char value;
        MFRC522_CS = 0;
        Soft_SPI_Write( (( addr << 1 ) & 0x7E) | 0x80 );
        value = Soft_SPI_Read( 0x00 );
        MFRC522_CS = 1;
        return value;

static void MFRC522_Clear_Bit( char addr, char mask )
     MFRC522_Wr( addr, MFRC522_Rd( addr ) & (~mask) );

static void MFRC522_Set_Bit( char addr, char mask )
     MFRC522_Wr( addr, MFRC522_Rd( addr ) | mask );

void MFRC522_Reset()

void MFRC522_AntennaOn()
 MFRC522_Set_Bit( TXCONTROLREG, 0x03 );

void MFRC522_AntennaOff()
 MFRC522_Clear_Bit( TXCONTROLREG, 0x03 );

void MFRC522_Init()
     MFRC522_CS_Direction = 0;
     MFRC522_Rst_Direction = 0;
     MFRC522_CS = 1;
     MFRC522_Rst = 1;


     MFRC522_Wr( TMODEREG, 0x8D );      //Tauto=1; f(Timer) = 6.78MHz/TPreScaler
     MFRC522_Wr( TPRESCALERREG, 0x3E ); //TModeReg[3..0] + TPrescalerReg
     MFRC522_Wr( TRELOADREGL, 30 );           
     MFRC522_Wr( TRELOADREGH, 0 );

     MFRC522_Wr( TXAUTOREG, 0x40 );    //100%ASK
     MFRC522_Wr( MODEREG, 0x3D );      // CRC valor inicial de 0x6363

     //MFRC522_Clear_Bit( STATUS2REG, 0x08 );//MFCrypto1On=0
     //MFRC522_Wr( RXSELREG, 0x86 );      //RxWait = RxSelReg[5..0]
     //MFRC522_Wr( RFCFGREG, 0x7F );     //RxGain = 48dB


char MFRC522_ToCard( char command, char *sendData, char sendLen, char *backData, unsigned *backLen )
  char _status = MI_ERR;
  char irqEn = 0x00;
  char waitIRq = 0x00;
  char lastBits;
  char n;
  unsigned i;

  switch (command)
    case PCD_AUTHENT:       //Certification cards close
      irqEn = 0x12;
      waitIRq = 0x10;
    case PCD_TRANSCEIVE:    //Transmit FIFO data
      irqEn = 0x77;
      waitIRq = 0x30;

  MFRC522_Wr( COMMIENREG, irqEn | 0x80 );  //Interrupt request
  MFRC522_Clear_Bit( COMMIRQREG, 0x80 );   //Clear all interrupt request bit
  MFRC522_Set_Bit( FIFOLEVELREG, 0x80 );   //FlushBuffer=1, FIFO Initialization
  MFRC522_Wr( COMMANDREG, PCD_IDLE );      //NO action; Cancel the current command???

  //Writing data to the FIFO
  for ( i=0; i < sendLen; i++ )
    MFRC522_Wr( FIFODATAREG, sendData[i] );

  //Execute the command
  MFRC522_Wr( COMMANDREG, command );

  if (command == PCD_TRANSCEIVE )
    MFRC522_Set_Bit( BITFRAMINGREG, 0x80 ); //StartSend=1,transmission of data starts  

  //Waiting to receive data to complete
  //i according to the clock frequency adjustment, the operator M1 card maximum waiting time 25ms???
  i = 0xFFFF;   
    //Set1 TxIRq RxIRq IdleIRq HiAlerIRq LoAlertIRq ErrIRq TimerIRq
    n = MFRC522_Rd( COMMIRQREG );
  while ( i && !(n & 0x01) && !( n & waitIRq ) );

  MFRC522_Clear_Bit( BITFRAMINGREG, 0x80 );    //StartSend=0

  if (i != 0)
    if( !( MFRC522_Rd( ERRORREG ) & 0x1B ) ) //BufferOvfl Collerr CRCErr ProtecolErr
      _status = MI_OK;
      if ( n & irqEn & 0x01 )
        _status = MI_NOTAGERR;       //??

      if ( command == PCD_TRANSCEIVE )
        n = MFRC522_Rd( FIFOLEVELREG );
        lastBits = MFRC522_Rd( CONTROLREG ) & 0x07;
        if (lastBits)
          *backLen = (n-1) * 8 + lastBits;
          *backLen = n * 8;

        if (n == 0)
          n = 1;

        if (n > 16)
          n = 16;

        //Reading the received data in FIFO
        for (i=0; i < n; i++)
          backData[i] = MFRC522_Rd( FIFODATAREG );

  backData[i] = 0;
      _status = MI_ERR;


  //MFRC522_Set_Bit( CONTROLREG, 0x80 );

  return _status;

char MFRC522_Request( char reqMode, char *TagType )
  char _status;
  unsigned backBits;            //The received data bits

  MFRC522_Wr( BITFRAMINGREG, 0x07 ); //TxLastBists = BitFramingReg[2..0]   ???

  TagType[0] = reqMode;
  _status = MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_TRANSCEIVE, TagType, 1, TagType, &backBits );

  if ( (_status != MI_OK) || (backBits != 0x10) )
    _status = MI_ERR;

  return _status;

void MFRC522_CRC( char *dataIn, char length, char *dataOut )
char i, n;
    MFRC522_Clear_Bit( DIVIRQREG, 0x04 );
    MFRC522_Set_Bit( FIFOLEVELREG, 0x80 );    

 //Escreve dados no FIFO        
    for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
        MFRC522_Wr( FIFODATAREG, *dataIn++ );   


    i = 0xFF;
    //Espera a finalização do Calculo do CRC
        n = MFRC522_Rd( DIVIRQREG );
    while( i && !(n & 0x04) );        //CRCIrq = 1

    dataOut[0] = MFRC522_Rd( CRCRESULTREGL );
    dataOut[1] = MFRC522_Rd( CRCRESULTREGM );        

char MFRC522_SelectTag( char *serNum )
  char i;
  char _status;
  char size;
  unsigned recvBits;
  char buffer[9];

  //MFRC522_Clear_Bit( STATUS2REG, 0x08 );   //MFCrypto1On=0

  buffer[0] = PICC_SElECTTAG;
  buffer[1] = 0x70;

  for ( i=2; i < 7; i++ )
    buffer[i] = *serNum++;

  MFRC522_CRC( buffer, 7, &buffer[7] );             

  _status = MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buffer, 9, buffer, &recvBits );

  if ( (_status == MI_OK) && (recvBits == 0x18) )
    size = buffer[0];
    size = 0;

  return size;

void MFRC522_Halt()
  unsigned unLen;
  char buff[4];

  buff[0] = PICC_HALT;
  buff[1] = 0;
  MFRC522_CRC( buff, 2, &buff[2] );

  MFRC522_Clear_Bit( STATUS2REG, 0x80 );
  MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buff, 4, buff, &unLen );
  MFRC522_Clear_Bit( STATUS2REG, 0x08 );

char MFRC522_Auth( char authMode, char BlockAddr, char *Sectorkey, char *serNum )
  char _status;
  unsigned recvBits;
  char i;
  char buff[12];

  //Verify the command block address + sector + password + card serial number
  buff[0] = authMode;
  buff[1] = BlockAddr;

  for ( i = 2; i < 8; i++ )
    buff[i] = Sectorkey[i-2];

  for ( i = 8; i < 12; i++ )
    buff[i] = serNum[i-8];

  _status = MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_AUTHENT, buff, 12, buff, &recvBits );

  if ( ( _status != MI_OK ) || !( MFRC522_Rd( STATUS2REG ) & 0x08 ) )
    _status = MI_ERR;

  return _status;

char MFRC522_Write( char blockAddr, char *writeData )
  char _status;
  unsigned recvBits;
  char i;
  char buff[18];

  buff[0] = PICC_WRITE;
  buff[1] = blockAddr;

  MFRC522_CRC( buff, 2, &buff[2] );
  _status = MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buff, 4, buff, &recvBits );

  if ( (_status != MI_OK) || (recvBits != 4) || ( (buff[0] & 0x0F) != 0x0A) )
    _status = MI_ERR;

  if (_status == MI_OK)
    for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )                //Data to the FIFO write 16Byte
      buff[i] = writeData[i];

    MFRC522_CRC( buff, 16, &buff[16] );
    _status = MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buff, 18, buff, &recvBits );

    if ( (_status != MI_OK) || (recvBits != 4) || ( (buff[0] & 0x0F) != 0x0A ) )
      _status = MI_ERR;

  return _status;

char MFRC522_Read( char blockAddr, char *recvData )
  char _status;
  unsigned unLen;

  recvData[0] = PICC_READ;
  recvData[1] = blockAddr;

  MFRC522_CRC( recvData, 2, &recvData[2] );

  _status = MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_TRANSCEIVE, recvData, 4, recvData, &unLen );

  if ( (_status != MI_OK) || (unLen != 0x90) )
    _status = MI_ERR;

  return _status;

char MFRC522_AntiColl( char *serNum )
  char _status;
  char i;
  char serNumCheck = 0;
  unsigned unLen;

  MFRC522_Wr( BITFRAMINGREG, 0x00 );                //TxLastBists = BitFramingReg[2..0]

  serNum[0] = PICC_ANTICOLL;
  serNum[1] = 0x20;
  MFRC522_Clear_Bit( STATUS2REG, 0x08 );
  _status = MFRC522_ToCard( PCD_TRANSCEIVE, serNum, 2, serNum, &unLen );

  if (_status == MI_OK)
    for ( i=0; i < 4; i++ )
      serNumCheck ^= serNum[i];

    if ( serNumCheck != serNum[4] )
      _status = MI_ERR;

  return _status;

//0x0044 = Mifare_UltraLight
//0x0004 = Mifare_One (S50)
//0x0002 = Mifare_One (S70)
//0x0008 = Mifare_Pro (X)
//0x0344 = Mifare_DESFire
char MFRC522_isCard( char *TagType ) 
    if (MFRC522_Request( PICC_REQIDL, TagType ) == MI_OK)
        return 1;
        return 0; 

char MFRC522_ReadCardSerial( char *str )
char _status; 
 _status = MFRC522_AntiColl( str );
 str[5] = 0;
 if (_status == MI_OK)
  return 1;
  return 0;

Code sample:

//Habilitar as seguintes bibliotecas:
// - Software_SPI
// - Conversions e C_String
// - Lcd

#include <Built_in.h>

//copie e cole o código da biblioteca aqui!!!

//O Teste foi feito com cartões MIFARE 1K

sbit MFRC522_CS at RD4_Bit;
sbit MFRC522_Rst at RD3_Bit;
sbit SoftSPI_SDO at RD1_Bit;
sbit SoftSPI_CLK at RD0_Bit;
sbit SoftSPI_SDI at RD2_Bit;
sbit MFRC522_CS_Direction at TRISD4_Bit;
sbit MFRC522_Rst_Direction at TRISD3_Bit;
sbit SoftSPI_SDO_Direction at TRISD1_Bit;
sbit SoftSPI_CLK_Direction at TRISD0_Bit;
sbit SoftSPI_SDI_Direction at TRISD2_Bit;

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
// End LCD module connections

char key[6] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
char writeData[] = "Microcontrolandos";

void main()
char msg[12];
char UID[6];
unsigned TagType;
char size;
char i;

     //Desativa as Portas Analogicas
     ADCON1 = 0x0F;
     //Inicializa Soft SPI
     //Inicializa display

     //inicializa o modulo RFID

     //Verifica se há algum cartão
     if( MFRC522_isCard( &TagType ) )
         //Exibe o tipo do cartão no display
         ByteToHex( Lo(TagType), msg );
         ByteToHex( Hi(TagType), msg+2 );
         Lcd_Out( 1, 1, "TAG TYPE: " );
         Lcd_Out_CP( msg );

         //Faz a leitura do numero de serie
         if( MFRC522_ReadCardSerial( &UID ) )
             //Posiciona o cursor 
             Lcd_Out( 1, 1, "" );

             for( i=0; i < 5; i++)
                 ByteToHex( UID[i], msg );
                 Lcd_Out_CP( msg );
             size = MFRC522_SelectTag( &UID );

         //Posiciona o cursor 
         Lcd_Out( 2, 1, "" );

         //Tenta realizar a autenticação A do setor 1( blocos: 4 - 7 )
         //bloco de autenticação é o 7
         if( MFRC522_Auth( PICC_AUTHENT1A, 7, &key, &UID ) == 0 )
             //Escreve algo no bloco 4
             MFRC522_Write( 4, &writeData );
         else if( MFRC522_Auth( PICC_AUTHENT1B, 7, &key, &UID ) == 0 )
             //Escreve algo no bloco 4
             MFRC522_Write( 4, &writeData );
            Lcd_Out_CP( "Erro" );

         //Faz a leitura do bloco 4
         if( MFRC522_Read( 4, &writeData ) == 0 )
           Lcd_Out( 2, 1, &writeData );

         //Estado de hibernação
asked by anonymous 14.03.2018 / 18:13

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