angularjs menu class remain active after clicking a subpage button


I have a navigation menu that works perfectly. Inside this page that opens when clicking on the menu there is a button that leads to another page that is still in the same session, it happens that the menu item loses the "activate" class when browsing another link other than the menu itself. / p>

First page, "Label" selected and with the "activate" class, notice the button on the page. clickingthebuttondoesnotmaketheclassmoreactive HTML

<ling-class="{active: 'home.produtos'}">
        <a href="">
          <i class="fa fa-fa-briefcase"></i>
          <span class="nav-label">Produtos</span>
          <span class="fa arrow"></span>
        <ul class="nav nav-second-level collapse" ng-class="{in: $state.includes('home.produtos','home.etiquetas','home.etiquetasview')}">
            <a ui-sref="home.produtos">Produto</a>
          <li ui-sref-active-eq="active">          
            <a ui-sref="home.etiquetas">Etiqueta</a>

Button in page

<a  ui-sref-active-eq="active" ui-sref="home.etiquetasview({id:{{item.codigo}}})" class="btn btn-white btn-sm">
  <i class="fa fa-eye"></i> View 
asked by anonymous 14.03.2018 / 17:44

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