How to solve the error Call to undefined function mysql_connect () [duplicate]


I'm doing an IT inventory to register and I want to connect to the database, but it's giving this error:


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function   mysql_connect () in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ xampp \ cadastrando.php: 9 Stack   trace: # 0 {main} thrown in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ xampp \ cadastrando.php on   line 9

How could you resolve this error?

Below is my code.


<form method="post" action="" onSubmit="">
            <legend>Sistema de Inventário</legend><br />

            <label class="borda">Setor: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Usuário:</label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">O/S :</label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="email" name="" size="30" required><br /><br />

            <label class="borda">Hd : </label>
            <input  class="form_inp"type="text"  name="" size="30" required><br />                      
            <hr />          
            <label class="borda">Memória:</label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Processador: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id=""  name="" size="30" required><br /><br />
            <hr />
            <label class="borda">Cd/Dvd: </label>
            <select class="form_inp"  name="Dados"> 
                <option value="Sim">Sim</option> 
                <option value="Não">Não</option> 

            <br />

            <label class="borda">Placa Mãe: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">HostName: </label>
            <input class="form_inp"type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br /><br />

            <label class="borda">Monitor/Patrimônio/Marca/Modelo: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Nobreak/Patrimônio/Marca/: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Placa de Rede : </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Placa de Vídeo: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="" size="30" required><br />

            <hr />
            <input type="submit" style="float: right;" value="Cadastrar" >
            <input type="reset" style="float: right;" value="Limpar">


php / bancodedados:

$host = "localhost";
$user ="roor";
$pass = "";
$banco = "cadastro";
$link = mysqli_connect("host", "user", "pass", "database"); 
mysqli_select_db($banco) or die (mysqli_error());
$sql=mysql_query("INSERT INTO setor(setor,usuario,hd,memoria,processador,cd,placam,host,monitor,nobreak,placar,plavav) VALUES('$setor,$usuario,$hd,$memoria,$processador,$cd,$placam,$host,$monitor,$nobreak,$placar,$placav'))");
asked by anonymous 22.12.2016 / 15:20

2 answers


The mysql_connect() function has been deprecated.

Now using mysqli_connect() .

$link = mysqli_connect("host", "user", "pass", "database");

This also applies to other commands that begin with mysql_ . They should be mysqli_ .


mysqli_query($link, $query);
22.12.2016 / 15:26

In the last line you sneaked past the first parameter in the function mysql_query()

in case it would be

$sql = mysqli_query($link, "as passagens sql aqui");

Remembering that there are two ways to use mysqli

The way you did it structured

or using object orientation

22.12.2016 / 18:01